Sorry to those of you that have been waiting patiently for an update to Ella's blog...its finally here! Time seems to have slipped away from me without even realising...must be all that hard work I am doing of late. I am now working two days a week - I know....poor me! -Not-. Two days couldn't be more perfect, not too much and not too little. Most would love to do just two days a week, but I must say I miss Ella to bits when I am at work, but on the other hand, I think it is good for both of us. A big thank you to Ella's Nonna ( my mum ) for looking after Ella on those days...couldn't do it without you!
Ella is growing up fast, she is now 10 months old and is doing more and more amazing things each day.
She is now when prompted with "bye" or "hello" waves vigorously with either one hand or two...its just so cute to see...unfortunately, photos don't show this. Otherwise I would love for you all to see!
Also she now plays peek-a-boo with her security rag. I don't think I have ever talked about her "rag" before. All it is, is a cloth nappy, one of many all started when I used it for clothing protection during feed time, otherwise I would end up saturated, from either having too much milk, or Ella being a sloppy drinker, I'm not sure. Anyway, now it has become her "security blankie" and nuzzles into it when she is ready to sleep, or would like a feed....she gets very excited when it is around.
Back to the "peek a boo", talk about getting side tracked....she uses her "rag" to play. By holding it over her face and waiting for a "boo" from either Jai or Myself when she pulls it away. so so cute!!
She isnt saying "mama" yet, but has a definite strong attachment to saying "dada" over and over again...I say mama to her and she says dada back...exciting for jai...a little annoying for me..hehe! I'm sure it is not too far away, she has said it before, but far and few between. I guess i shouldn't be too worried, because soon I am sure it will be all I hear. Mum ,Mum ,Mum look at me Mum, Mum, Mum....can you imagine!! arrraggghhhh!
Before I forget to mention again, A Big CONGRATS to Natalie and Mark Scira on the birth of their baby girl "Olivia Carys" born on boxing day. We cant wait to come and visit her soon, when things settle for you all of course!
About the photos Some photos you see where taken today, out playing in the pool again....getting all wet and loving it!
The others are photos of our little drive to Sassafras at Mt Dandenong on Australia Day. Jai and Ella are standing in front of a giant Doll house...I bet ella wished she could have grabbed those little toys! Luckily she had her new little maraca from the gorgeous toy shop
Geppetto's ( I could have spent a fortune in there! ). The other is of Jai being silly with Ella, how funny does it look...Ella is a little madam, with a child of her own already, and Jai...what a gentleman!