All about Ella Rose

Thank heaven for little girls!

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Ella's first Concert!

Ella went on her first date with her favorite new friend from mothers group last Wednesday, little cooper is her friends name... of course it was chaperoned, Nat, coopers mum and I went along also. (They start young these days! hehe) We took them to their first concert to see "Raggs" which is a TV program for kids.They are funky dogs that dance and sing. Ella loved it,(even though she doesn't look too impressed in that photo of us, I think she didn't want me disturbing her with the camera! hehe) she danced away,as she does, even though she was due for a nap, she was wide awake right through it!...all she managed that afternoon was a 15 minute nap and because it was such a big day out and she was so tired she fell asleep while she was eating dinner!! One minute she was chewing on a bit of bread, the next she was fast asleep. Ive never seen her fall asleep like that before...might have to take her to more concerts!?

A Big Congrats to Adrian, Emma and big brother Liam for the birth of their new baby daughter/sister "Ava Jayne"....she is absolutely gorgeous! Cant wait for Ava and Ella to have "playdates" one day soon!


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