All about Ella Rose

Thank heaven for little girls!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cot Comfort

The Sunday just gone was a big day for little Ella, she was introduced to her cot!
Up until now she has been sleeping in her bassinet, Mum and dad had been hesitant ( mum more so) to move her into her cot because I was worried she wouldn't settle as well as she has been in her bassinet. Luckily I was wrong....She sleeps beautifully in there and no longer has her arms out the sides dangling in the wind as they were in the bassinet. Even taking this photo didn't even wake her!! We also don't hear any squeaking from the bed when she moves around because the cot is much more solid..the bassinet made an awful lot of noise if she moved. So sometimes we don't even know she is awake just lying in her bed peacefully...It is bliss! Especially during the night of course.
My there has been many changes for little Ella lately, but I think it is more of an adjustment for me than her...she is growing up way too quick!! She will be 4 months next Monday!!! Where has the time gone! I know where...changing nappies, feeding...more feeding........

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ella the socialite!

Today after mothers group Ella had a friend over! Of course they didn't talk much, but they did wack each others faces and suck one anothers fingers (it was actually pretty funny to watch) Ella has taken to her own hands as I have mentioned before, but when little Luisas fingers accidentally fell into Ellas mouth, she decided her hands were just as good to suck on as her own!
There was lots of smiles for the camera, but unfortunately not at the same time, so here is one of Ella looking very cheeky, and next to her a laid back Luisa.
Only one more week of mothers group classes, then hopefully we keep in touch because after seeing those two together, it brought a tear to my eye, I love that Ella has made a little friend!
Must go...I hear a waking Ella in the next room!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I love good mail!

Today in the mail was a lovely surprise, all the way from London!! Thank you so much sweet Sarah. Ella got a beautiful spotty number (photo) to match her mums! As most of you know I adore spots so this little top is sure to get a lot of wear! Just so cute.
Don't you just love good mail...Sometimes its nice to get something besides bills!

Also today Ella got to use her pram for the first time! We went to mothers group in the big girls pram...No more bassinet for Ella! Here she is sleeping beautifully snug in a rug that nonna and nonno bought for her when they went to Sydney. Very cute indeed.

During mothers group, besides learning about when Ella should be eating and what type of consistency the food should be and whether we as mothers were fussy eaters or not (If she is anything like me the kid wont have a problem with food!) she also got weighed, she is now a healthy 6.725 kg (14lb 13) and a long 61.5 cm tall...(takes after her dad on the tall side) I think she is doing very well! Don’t you think?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Guess who is now 3 months!

I can’t believe it has happened...Ella has now reached the three-month benchmark! And it seems to have gone so quick!!
A lot has happened too, she can now put her hands together (as in the photo)...not out in a star jump pose all the time, she has discovered her hands and spends a lot of the time with them in her mouth. (Also in the photo). She smiles A LOT!! And it is so gorgeous! She definitely knows who mum and dad are now...even from a fair distance. And who is holding her...becoming picky about that too!! There are no more tears at bath time; she now loves the concept of having no clothes on! It used to be a mad rush to get her jarmies on...but now there are giggles and smiles. There is even a little bit of chatter..But only god knows what she is saying!
We have now moved her into her own room to sleep, although there was a little bit of a protest, she is now sleeping there beautifully...yay!
I am loving this stage. Especially the smiles, and look forward to many more 1sts to come.

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker