water, swings and animal fun!

There has been some killer hot days here in Melbourne lately...As Lyn says it's as if Queensland and Melbourne have swapped weather. Difference is, in Melbourne if you stay out in the 30+ weather you are sure to fry, and its definitely not good for poor pale little Ella. I love her milky white skin, and I would love it to stay that way...but despite this, little Ella loves the outdoors, and is at her happiest out there. So this week, in the cooler part of the day, I took her out in the backyard and she had a splash in her new pool shell she got for Christmas. She loved it...and loved stretch coming over to visit her while she was in there...so much so, she grabbed him and pulled his snout so hard I was sure he would protest. But he was a good boy and took the beating. But I think he was glad when I took her out and put her up a little higher out of reach...in her new swing...in the photo you can see her watching stretch...every where he went so did her eyes.
Today we went to the raspberry festival in Kingslake..we thought it would be a quiet day out for the Kerr family, but when we arrived Jai and I could not believe the amount of people that were there...Ella got to play with the animals again, this time a little more interested than the last time. But we didn't end up having the raspberry ice cream we had hoped for, instead we opted for the "frozen" raspberry's to save ourselves waiting in the dreaded queue..."we can always make a raspberry smoothie at home" was my disappointed reply when we saw how many people were there.
Overall was a good day...although next time I think we might get there a little earlier to avoid the queues!