All about Ella Rose

Thank heaven for little girls!

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Walking on Sunshine....NOT!

Today we took Ella to Albert park lake for the once a year "Juvenile diabetes walk".(or "sit in your stroller" if your too young to walk) We had hoped that it would be nice weather as forecasted, but since we live in Melbourne this of course was not the case. The predicted fine day ended up being cold and rainy. The ironic thing is as we were walking, the song "I'm walking on sunshine" started playing in the background. Not sure if this was to lift our spirits as we froze in our "Australia post" t-shirts or it was to annoy the crap out of us! I would have thought "I'm singing in the rain" was much more appropriate.
Luckily the weather fined up a little so we could get through to the finish line a little happier. Ella eventually fell asleep after not being a happy girl(I think she was feeling as good as the weather) and woke up just after we finished lunch....
Just in time to go and visit the animals!
Jai brought her in to see the farm animals...She loved the duckies and tried ever so hard to pull away from her dad so that she could grasp a duck and put it in her mouth...Just like the ones she has in the bath! Luckily jai is much stronger than Ella and quickly pulled her away!
next she went to visit the pigs...Asleep soundly as Ella gave them a pit of a pat.
She wasn't too interested as moments before she was seen grabbing the hay from the ground and attempted to also put it in her mouth...Lucky dad was there again to stop this happening! The funniest part was watching her eyes follow the chickens as they sped past her...
Overall it was an experience to be remembered...Hopefully next year the weather is nicer...Maybe those pigs we saw today might fly first!

This weekend we also had Rob and ritas wedding (Congrats again guys) so Nonna looked after Ella...Besides waking up at around 10.30 for more of a feed I think she was pretty good for her. Luckily these days she is having a go at some formula in case I don't have enough milk to leave her. I must say I still haven't got quite used to going out without her, it feels strange not having her with me, I guess it is because we are together most of the time. It almost feels like a piece of me is missing when she is not with me...Literally!!


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