All about Ella Rose

Thank heaven for little girls!

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

I love ducks!

Its taken a while, but finally here are some pictures at the collingwood children's farm.
Ella loved it, especially the ducks, her reaction when she first saw them was hilarious...she stood still with a stance like in the photo above, and looked and laughed...she was absolutely thrilled...she couldn't contain her excitement!

She saw, pigs, horses, ducks, cows, more ducks, sheep, more ducks....there were a lot of ducks around. She loved them all, except, at the end..(I think it was the tiredness of the day) but when the sheep let out his "baaa" she got the biggest fright and burst into tears. That was our cue to go home!

I think we will be visiting lots more animals in the future...especially ducks!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Everyone needs a hug....

Just thought I would post these cute photos of Ella that Jai took on Sunday at the local park. Jai took Ella out while I got a few things done around the house (not too much gets done with a toddler holding onto your legs as you walk...)
and apparently she decided ,amongst playing on the slides and swings she would give the park poles a bit of a hug...they must have looked lonely?? Ella gives great hugs , ones that are so tight that they almost take your breath away....and who doesn't love a good hug, even boring ol park poles do i suppose!
Tomorrow we are heading to the collingwood animal farm, so I will post some pictures of that soon...

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