All about Ella Rose

Thank heaven for little girls!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hair raising issue!

By now most of you would have noticed, Ella was born with a full head of hair and style to boot. It seems to startle many people who first see Ella, I get comments like "My gosh look at how much hair!" and "I cant believe how much hair she has". I even had someone say, "She looks like she has a Ray martin hair do".
As her mum it didn’t come to too much of a surprise for me when I first saw her. One reason, and I don’t care if it is a myth, I had the WORST ever heartburn during pregnancy and two, I too was born with a mop of hair and lastly, I don’t think Jai has any worry of going bald. Even when I had an ultrasound in my 39th week of pregnancy, there it was...waving in the water...oh so long, it even took the ultrasound guy by surprise!.
But, in saying all this, all the comments must be playing on my mind because the other night I woke myself out of a nightmare, it was about Ella and her loosing all of her hair except for just the back part, a bit like what Mr burns from the Simpson’s looks like. I was absolutely devastated in my dream, so much so it woke me up! So I started to think about " why are some babies born with a full mop of hair and others you need a magnifying glass to find just one"..Of course I googled it and didn’t come up with any conclusion, is it a European thing? Does it have anything to do with genetics? Why are some siblings born with hair and others aren’t....these are the questions that I wonder. Hmmmm will they ever be answered? Probably not, but I do know this, I much prefer Ella with a full head of hair, even if it is a mullet hairstyle.

On another free one...Ella had her first set of immunisations last Wednesday and I just want to say how brave she was. I on the other hand was in near tears seeing her go through it. She did cry, or scream when they put THREE needles in her, but who wouldnt. She was asleep just before they started, but quickly woke up when they jabbed her. When it was over, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes, noticed it was me and fell asleep again. awwww. It was the first of more to at 4 and 6 months. I Just hope she is as brave as she was with these last ones. I hate to have to put her through it, but it is all for the best I have to keep telling myself....but I still can't help but feel like a mean mum!


At Friday, June 23, 2006 12:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear lisa,jai and ella, i hope you are all well and happy.the photos of ella are beautiful and why not with such good looking parents. i am not sure about the hair myths as i didnt have heartburn with damian and he was born with a mop of black hair, everyone gave me the same comments however due me being so londe and fair i think people thought i found him at the doorstep ha ha,it has been a long time since i have been on a computer,i have taken the opportunity to send my love to all of you, and it was a delight to see jai at the you know we are moving things are a bit hectic, when we settle i shall try and visit. lots of love,and hugs from desleigh xxxxoooo.


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